exception |
FlattenException {#1131
-message: """
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO Paa_Securite.adressesIP (iid_adresseIP, ip, tbanissement, bAuMoinsUneAuthentificationReussie) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params [9386, "", null, null]:\n
SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "un_adressesip_ip"\n
DETAIL: Key (ip)=( already exists.
-code: 0
-previous: FlattenException {#1126 …}
-trace: [
"namespace" => ""
"short_class" => ""
"class" => ""
"type" => ""
"function" => ""
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php"
"line" => 51
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver"
"short_class" => "AbstractPostgreSQLDriver"
"class" => "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractPostgreSQLDriver"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "convertException"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php"
"line" => 169
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Doctrine\DBAL"
"short_class" => "DBALException"
"class" => "Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException"
"type" => "::"
"function" => "wrapException"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php"
"line" => 145
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Doctrine\DBAL"
"short_class" => "DBALException"
"class" => "Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException"
"type" => "::"
"function" => "driverExceptionDuringQuery"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Statement.php"
"line" => 162
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Doctrine\DBAL"
"short_class" => "Statement"
"class" => "Doctrine\DBAL\Statement"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "execute"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Persisters/Entity/BasicEntityPersister.php"
"line" => 286
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity"
"short_class" => "BasicEntityPersister"
"class" => "Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\BasicEntityPersister"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "executeInserts"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php"
"line" => 1088
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Doctrine\ORM"
"short_class" => "UnitOfWork"
"class" => "Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "executeInserts"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php"
"line" => 401
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Doctrine\ORM"
"short_class" => "UnitOfWork"
"class" => "Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "commit"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.php"
"line" => 370
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Doctrine\ORM"
"short_class" => "EntityManager"
"class" => "Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "flush"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/src/Event/ForceBruteListener.php"
"line" => 96
"args" => []
"namespace" => "App\Event"
"short_class" => "ForceBruteListener"
"class" => "App\Event\ForceBruteListener"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "onKernelException"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php"
"line" => 108
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug"
"short_class" => "WrappedListener"
"class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "__invoke"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
"line" => 203
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher"
"short_class" => "EventDispatcher"
"class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "doDispatch"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
"line" => 43
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher"
"short_class" => "EventDispatcher"
"class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "dispatch"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php"
"line" => 135
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug"
"short_class" => "TraceableEventDispatcher"
"class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "dispatch"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
"line" => 213
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel"
"short_class" => "HttpKernel"
"class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "handleException"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
"line" => 76
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel"
"short_class" => "HttpKernel"
"class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "handle"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
"line" => 190
"args" => []
"namespace" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel"
"short_class" => "Kernel"
"class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
"type" => "->"
"function" => "handle"
"file" => "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/public/index.php"
"line" => 28
"args" => []
-class: "Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\UniqueConstraintViolationException"
-statusCode: 500
-headers: []
-file: "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php"
-line: 51
} |
logger |
Logger {#433
#name: "request"
#handlers: [
StreamHandler {#431
#stream: stream resource @87
timed_out: false
blocked: true
eof: false
wrapper_type: "plainfile"
stream_type: "STDIO"
mode: "a"
unread_bytes: 0
seekable: true
uri: "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/var/log/dev.log"
options: []
#url: "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/var/log/dev.log"
-errorMessage: null
#filePermission: null
#useLocking: false
-dirCreated: true
#level: 100
#bubble: true
#formatter: LineFormatter {#76 …}
#processors: [
PsrLogMessageProcessor {#430}
ConsoleHandler {#432
-output: null
-verbosityLevelMap: [
16 => 400
32 => 300
64 => 250
128 => 200
256 => 100
#level: 100
#bubble: true
#formatter: null
#processors: []
#processors: [
DebugProcessor {#507
-records: [
"0000000065cccc370000000031d5f49e" => [
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'paa_securite' and table_name = 'adressesip'"
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => []
"channel" => "doctrine"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "SELECT t0.iid_adresseIP AS iid_adresseip_1, t0.ip AS ip_2, t0.tbanissement AS tbanissement_3, t0.bAuMoinsUneAuthentificationReussie AS baumoinsuneauthentificationreussie_4 FROM Paa_Securite.adressesIP t0 WHERE t0.ip = ? LIMIT 1"
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"channel" => "doctrine"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "SELECT NEXTVAL('paa_securite.adressesip_evenements_iid_evenement_seq')"
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => []
"channel" => "doctrine"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "SELECT NEXTVAL('paa_securite.adressesip_iid_adresseip_seq')"
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => []
"channel" => "doctrine"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => ""START TRANSACTION""
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => []
"channel" => "doctrine"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "INSERT INTO Paa_Securite.adressesIP (iid_adresseIP, ip, tbanissement, bAuMoinsUneAuthentificationReussie) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
1 => 9386
2 => ""
3 => null
4 => null
"channel" => "doctrine"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => ""ROLLBACK""
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => []
"channel" => "doctrine"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "App\Event\ApiExceptionListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "App\Event\ForceBruteListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => """
Uncaught Exception: An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO Paa_Securite.adressesIP (iid_adresseIP, ip, tbanissement, bAuMoinsUneAuthentificationReussie) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params [9386, "", null, null]:\n
SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "un_adressesip_ip"\n
DETAIL: Key (ip)=( already exists.
"priority" => 500
"priorityName" => "CRITICAL"
"context" => [
"exception" => UniqueConstraintViolationException {#1089
-driverException: PDOException {#722 …}
#message: """
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO Paa_Securite.adressesIP (iid_adresseIP, ip, tbanissement, bAuMoinsUneAuthentificationReussie) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params [9386, "", null, null]:\n
SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "un_adressesip_ip"\n
DETAIL: Key (ip)=( already exists.
#code: 0
#file: "/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php"
#line: 51
-previous: PDOException {#722 …}
trace: {
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php:51 {
› case '23505':
› return new Exception\UniqueConstraintViolationException($message, $exception);
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php:169 {
› if ($driver instanceof ExceptionConverterDriver && $driverEx instanceof DriverExceptionInterface) {
› return $driver->convertException($msg, $driverEx);
› }
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php:145 {
› return static::wrapException($driver, $driverEx, $msg);
› }
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Statement.php:162 {
› $this->sql,
› $this->conn->resolveParams($this->params, $this->types)
› );
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Persisters/Entity/BasicEntityPersister.php:286 {
› $stmt->execute();
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php:1088 {
› $postInsertIds = $persister->executeInserts();
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php:401 {
› foreach ($commitOrder as $class) {
› $this->executeInserts($class);
› }
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.php:370 {
› $this->unitOfWork->commit($entity);
› }
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/src/Event/ForceBruteListener.php:96 {
› $this->entityManager->persist($loEvenement) ;\r
› $this->entityManager->flush() ;\r
› \r
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php:108 {
› ($this->listener)($event, $eventName, $dispatcher);
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:203 {
› \t}
› \t$listener($event, $eventName, $this);
› }
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:43 {
› if ($listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName)) {
› \t$this->doDispatch($listeners, $eventName, $event);
› }
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php:135 {
› try {
› \t$this->dispatcher->dispatch($eventName, $event);
› } finally {
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php:213 {
› $event = new GetResponseForExceptionEvent($this, $request, $type, $e);
› $this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::EXCEPTION, $event);
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php:76 {
› \treturn $this->handleException($e, $request, $type);
› }
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php:190 {
› try {
› \treturn $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);
› } finally {
/var/www/html/PAA/Recette/public/index.php:28 {
› $request = Request::createFromGlobals();\r
› $response = $kernel->handle($request);\r
› \r
"channel" => "php"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => """
Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\UniqueConstraintViolationException: "An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO Paa_Securite.adressesIP (iid_adresseIP, ip, tbanissement, bAuMoinsUneAuthentificationReussie) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params [9386, "", null, null]:\n
SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "un_adressesip_ip"\n
DETAIL: Key (ip)=( already exists." at /var/www/html/PAA/Recette/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php line 51
"priority" => 500
"priorityName" => "CRITICAL"
"context" => [
"exception" => UniqueConstraintViolationException {#1089}
"channel" => "request"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "App\Event\ApiExceptionListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "App\Event\ForceBruteListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "App\PaaBundle\Component\EventListener\ExceptionListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\EventListener\EmailSenderListener::onException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ExceptionListener::logKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ExceptionListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Listener "{listener}" stopped propagation of the event "{event}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ExceptionListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Listener "{listener}" was not called for event "{event}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.exception"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::onKernelException"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"0000000065ccc8700000000031d5f49e" => [
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\ResolveControllerNameSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\BodyListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.request"
"listener" => "App\PaaBundle\Component\Authentication\Handler\SessionIdleHandler::onKernelRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller"
"listener" => "App\Event\ForceBruteListener::onKernelController"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller"
"listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller"
"listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller"
"listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller"
"listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller"
"listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener::onKernelController"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller_arguments"
"listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908368
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.controller_arguments"
"listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.response"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
"timestamp" => 1741908369
"message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
"priority" => 100
"priorityName" => "DEBUG"
"context" => [
"event" => "kernel.finish_request"
"listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
"channel" => "event"
-errorCount: [
"0000000065cccc370000000031d5f49e" => 2
"0000000065ccc8700000000031d5f49e" => 0
-requestStack: RequestStack {#506 …}
#microsecondTimestamps: true
#exceptionHandler: null
} |