Matched route
Route Matching Logs
Path to match:
# | Route name | Path | Log |
1 | _twig_error_test | /_error/{code}.{_format} | Path does not match |
2 | _wdt | /_wdt/{token} | Path does not match |
3 | _profiler_home | /_profiler/ | Path does not match |
4 | _profiler_search | /_profiler/search | Path does not match |
5 | _profiler_search_bar | /_profiler/search_bar | Path does not match |
6 | _profiler_phpinfo | /_profiler/phpinfo | Path does not match |
7 | _profiler_search_results | /_profiler/{token}/search/results | Path does not match |
8 | _profiler_open_file | /_profiler/open | Path does not match |
9 | _profiler | /_profiler/{token} | Path does not match |
10 | _profiler_router | /_profiler/{token}/router | Path does not match |
11 | _profiler_exception | /_profiler/{token}/exception | Path does not match |
12 | _profiler_exception_css | /_profiler/{token}/exception.css | Path does not match |
13 | app_paa_authtoken_postauthtokens | /auth-tokens | Path does not match |
14 | app_paa_country_getonebyid | /countries/{id} | Path does not match |
15 | app_paa_country_updateonebyid | /countries/{id} | Path does not match |
16 | app_paa_user_postusers | /users | Path does not match |
17 | app_paa_user_updateuser | /users/{id} | Path does not match |
18 | app_paa_user_patchuser | /users/{id} | Path does not match |
19 | fos_user_profile_show | /profile/ | Path does not match |
20 | fos_user_profile_edit | /profile/edit | Path does not match |
21 | fos_user_registration_register | /register/ | Path does not match |
22 | fos_user_registration_check_email | /register/check-email | Path does not match |
23 | fos_user_registration_confirm | /register/confirm/{token} | Path does not match |
24 | fos_user_registration_confirmed | /register/confirmed | Path does not match |
25 | fos_user_resetting_request | /resetting/request | Path does not match |
26 | fos_user_resetting_send_email | /resetting/send-email | Path does not match |
27 | fos_user_resetting_check_email | /resetting/check-email | Path does not match |
28 | fos_user_resetting_reset | /resetting/reset/{token} | Path does not match |
29 | fos_user_change_password | /profile/change-password | Path does not match |
30 | paa_editions | /edit/{pvSemaine}/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
31 | paa_getOptionsEditions | /getOptionsEditions/{psTwig} | Path does not match |
32 | paa_ListingsEtablissements | /ListingsEtablissements/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
33 | paa_ListingsGroupes | /ListingsGroupes/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
34 | paa_ListingIntervenants | /ListingIntervenants/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
35 | paa_DoEditions | /DoEditions/ | Path does not match |
36 | test_getDateAvecJour | /TestGetDateAvecJour | Path does not match |
37 | paa_testOnglet | /{psNomTable}OngletGeneral/{piId} | Path does not match |
38 | Teste_getIDActivites | /TestYohan/Teste_getIDActivites | Path does not match |
39 | TestePopup_getIDActivites | /TestYohan/TestePopup_getIDActivites | Path does not match |
40 | YohanTestManyToMany | /TestYohan/TestManyToMany/ | Path does not match |
41 | essaiLG | /essaiLG/{psPage} | Path does not match |
42 | paa_Essai | /Essai/{psEssai} | Path does not match |
43 | test_clientRestSécurisé | /test_ClientRESTsécurisé | Path does not match |
44 | test_SendMail | /test_SendMail | Path does not match |
45 | louistest | /testlouis/ | Path does not match |
46 | testMarc | /saisieabsencetest | Path does not match |
47 | paa_checkintervenants | /checkWPUser | Path does not match |
48 | paa_rtvnomcourtvalide | /rtvNomCourtValide | Path does not match |
49 | paa_rtvinitialesvalide | /rtvInitialesValide | Path does not match |
50 | paa_changeMDP | /changeMDP/{psUser}/{psMDP}/{psToken} | Path does not match |
51 | paa_listeIcones | /listeIcones | Path does not match |
52 | paa_listeGlyphIcones | /listeGlyphIcones | Path does not match |
53 | paa_pageTestGetTempsSessionRestant | /pageTestGetTempsSessionRestant | Path does not match |
54 | paa_essaiMenu | /essaiMenu | Path does not match |
55 | teste_Websocket_Client | /websocketClient | Path does not match |
56 | teste_Websocket_Server | /websocketServer | Path does not match |
57 | teste_CreeXLPlanFormation | /CreeXLPlanFormation | Path does not match |
58 | teste_phpinfo | /phpinfo | Path does not match |
59 | rest_getJSONEntity | /rest_getJSONEntity/{psNomTable}/{piId} | Path does not match |
60 | paa_getJSONEntity | /getJSONEntity/{psNomTable}/{piId} | Path does not match |
61 | rest_getJSONEntities | /rest_getJSONEntities/{psNomTable}/{psParametres} | Path does not match |
62 | paa_getJSONEntities | /getJSONEntities/{psNomTable}/{psParametres} | Path does not match |
63 | rest_getRessources | /rest_getRessources | Path does not match |
64 | paa_getRessources | /getRessources | Path does not match |
65 | rest_getActibases | /rest_getCompetencesCommunes/{psParametres} | Path does not match |
66 | paa_getActibases | /getCompetencesCommunes/{psParametres} | Path does not match |
67 | rest_getPlanning | /rest_getPlanning | Path does not match |
68 | paa_getPlanning | /getPlanning | Path does not match |
69 | rest_getListeCreneaux | /rest_getListeCreneaux/{pdDebut}/{pdFin}/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
70 | paa_getListeCreneaux | /getListeCreneaux/{pdDebut}/{pdFin}/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
71 | rest_setEtatSem | /rest_setEtatSemaine/{piSem}/{pbValue}/{pbAutoriseCréation} | Path does not match |
72 | paa_setEtatSem | /setEtatSemaine/{piSem}/{pbValue}/{pbAutoriseCreation} | Path does not match |
73 | rest_getStatutSemaines | /rest_getStatutValidation/{pdDebut}/{pdFin}/{pbCheckLstClasses} | Path does not match |
74 | paa_getStatutSemaines | /getStatutSemaines/{pdDebut}/{pdFin}/{pbCheckLstClasses} | Path does not match |
75 | rest_getJSONTypesAbsences | /rest_getJSONTypesAbsences/{psIdRessource} | Path does not match |
76 | paa_getJSONTypesAbsences | /getJSONTypesAbsences/{psIdRessource} | Path does not match |
77 | paa_adduser | /rest_addWPUser/{psNomTable} | Path does not match |
78 | rest_addEntity | /rest_addEntity/{psNomTable} | Path does not match |
79 | rest_addSeance | /rest_addSeance | Path does not match |
80 | rest_nettoiePlanning | /rest_nettoiePlanning | Path does not match |
81 | rest_setTypeAbsence | /setTypeAbsence | Path does not match |
82 | paa_permuteGroupes | /permuteGroupes/{piIdGroupe1}/{piIdGroupe2} | Path does not match |
83 | rest_permuteGroupes | /rest_permuteGroupes/{piIdGroupe1}/{piIdGroupe2} | Path does not match |
84 | rest_getPlanFormation | /rest_getPlanFormation/{psIdRes}/{pdDebut}/{pdFin} | Path does not match |
85 | rest_savePlanFormation | /rest_savePlanFormation/{psIdRes} | Path does not match |
86 | paa_getPlanFormation | /getPlanFormation/{psIdRes}/{pdDebut}/{pdFin}/{pbAfficheSemainesAbsences} | Path does not match |
87 | paa_savePlanFormation | /savePlanFormation/{psIdRes} | Path does not match |
88 | paa_getPresencesClasses | /getPresencesClasses/{pdDebut}/{pdFin} | Path does not match |
89 | paa_creeCreneauxStandard | /creeCreneauxStandard/{piIdGroupe}/{piSemaine}/{psLstHoraires} | Path does not match |
90 | paa_copieCreneaux | /copieCreneaux/{piIdGroupeSource}/{piIdGroupeDest}/{piSemaineSource}/{piSemaineDest}/{piJourSource}/{piJourDest} | Path does not match |
91 | paa_prochaineEcheanceUsager | /prochaineEcheanceUsager/{piIdUsager} | Path does not match |
92 | paa_XL_LireOnglets | /XL_LireOnglets | Path does not match |
93 | paa_importePF | /PF_Importe | Path does not match |
94 | paa_exportePF | /PF_Exporte | Path does not match |
95 | paa_getValeursDftMatiere | /getValeursDftMatiere/{piIdMatiere} | Path does not match |
96 | paa_AutreBDD | /DB/{psBDD}/{ps1}/{ps2}/{ps3}/{ps4}/{ps5}/{ps6}/{ps7}/{ps8} | Path does not match |
97 | login_check_AutreBDD | /DB/{psBDD}/login_check | Path does not match |
98 | logout_AutreBDD | /DB/{psBDD}/logout | Path does not match |
99 | paa_AutreBDD_Base | /DB/{psBDD} | Path does not match |
100 | fos_user_security_login | /login | Path does not match |
101 | fos_user_security_check | /login_check | Path does not match |
102 | fos_user_security_logout | /logout | Path does not match |
103 | paa_default | / | Path does not match |
104 | paa_index | /index | Path does not match |
105 | paa_pageavecgrille | /pageAvecGrille/{psNomTable}/{pbPopup}/{psOnglet} | Path does not match |
106 | paa_pageform | /pageForm/{psNomTable}/{piId} | Path does not match |
107 | paa_pageCreeSemaine | /popup/pageCreeSemaine/{pdDebut}/{pdFin} | Path does not match |
108 | paa_creeSemaine | /form/creeSemaine | Path does not match |
109 | paa_actiBaseSousGroupeGroupe | /form/actiBaseSousGroupeGroupe/{psId}/{psOnglet}/{psContexte} | Path does not match |
110 | paa_form | /form/{psNomTable}/{piId}/{psOnglet}/{psContexte} | Path does not match |
111 | paa_add | /add/{psNomTable} | Path does not match |
112 | paa_update | /update/{psNomTable}/{piId} | Path does not match |
113 | paa_delete | /delete/{psNomTable}/{piId} | Path does not match |
114 | paa_planningOld | /planningOld/{pvSemaine}/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
115 | paa_planning | /planning/{pvSemaine}/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
116 | paa_horairesetabsences | /horairesetabsences/{pvSemaine}/{psLstRes} | Path does not match |
117 | paa_planningNu | /planningNu/{psLstRes}/{pvDebut}/{pvFin} | Path does not match |
118 | paa_listingTable | /listing/{psNomTable}/{psParametres} | Path does not match |
119 | paa_setParametre | /setParametre/{psNomParametre}/{pvValeur}/{psType} | Path does not match |
120 | paa_setVariableDeSession | /setVariableDeSession/{psNomParametre}/{pvValeur}/{psType} | Path does not match |
121 | autre_b_d_d | /bs/{psBDD}/ds/{ps1}/ds/{ps2}/autre.{_format} | Path does not match |
122 | post_auth_tokens | /auth-tokens.{_format} | Path does not match |
123 | get_parametre | /parametres/{psNomParametre}.{_format} | Path does not match |
124 | paa_outils | /Outils/{psOutil}/{psParametres} | Path does not match |
125 | paa_onNotifie | /OnNotifie | Path does not match |
126 | paa_planning_onPopupMenu | /onPopupMenu.JSON | Path does not match |
127 | onFinDéplacementSéance | /onFinDéplacementSéance | Path does not match |
128 | insèreSéance | /insèreSéance | Path does not match |
129 | insèreSéancePrésence | /insèreSéancePrésence | Path does not match |
130 | insèreSéanceAbsenceStandard | /insèreSéanceAbsenceStandard | Path does not match |
131 | montreConflits | /montreConflits | Path does not match |
132 | changeActivitéSéance | /changeActivitéSéance | Path does not match |
133 | rafraichirSéance | /rafraichirSéance | Path does not match |
134 | visualisationSeance | /visualisationSeance/{idSeance} | Path does not match |
135 | supprimeSéance | /supprimeSéance | Path does not match |
136 | TestLouis | /sideBarConfig | Path does not match |
137 | paa_getParamètre | /getParamètre/{psNomParametre}/{pvValeur}/{psType} | Path does not match |
138 | actiBasesTreeView | /actiBasesTreeView/{psNomTable} | Path does not match |
139 | getIDActivites | /getIDActivites/{psLstRes}/{psResActive}/{pdDate}/{piHeureDeb}/{piHeureFin}/{pbActivitesEnCache}/{pbCreneauxEnCache} | Path does not match |
140 | paa_getIdActivitesForm | /form/getIdActivites/{piId}/{psOnglet} | Path does not match |
141 | getCommentaireActiviteDivers | /getCommentaireActiviteDivers/{pdDate}/{psDebut}/{psFin}/{psIdRessource} | Path does not match |
142 | getIDActiviteDatatable | /getIDActivitesDatatable/{pRes}/{pDate}/{pheuredeb}/{pheurefin}/{Incsactsys}/{Incactgen}/{uniressconce}/{pgroupActi}/{psStyleAB}/{pbActivitesEnCache} | Path does not match |
143 | Paa_seance | /seance | Path does not match |
144 | arthur_log | /api/countries/{id} | Path does not match |
145 | paa_idSeanceToActivite | /entityForActivite/{psNomTable}/{piId}/{psOnglet} | Path does not match |
146 | paa_errorHandler | /error/{errorMessage}/{errorNuméro} | Path does not match |
147 | paa_RapportErreurClient | /RapportErreurClient | Path does not match |
148 | paa_mail | Path does not match | |
149 | onColleSeance | /onColleSeance | Path does not match |
150 | onCollageSpecialSeance | /onCollageSpecialSeance | Path does not match |
151 | pageCollageSpecial | /popup/pageCollageSpecial/{libelle}/{dateDest}/{timeDebut}/{timeFin}/{estSeanceVide}/{estSeanceVirtuel} | Path does not match |
152 | pageEvoiMail | /popup/pageEnvoiMail/{liidSeance} | Path does not match |
153 | onEnvoiMail | /onEnvoiMail | Path does not match |
154 | filtreEntityFormGrille | /filtre/{psNomTable}/{pbNoReinit} | Path does not match |
155 | paa_evolutions | /evolutions | Path does not match |
156 | paa_aide_priseenmain | /aide_priseenmain | Path does not match |
157 | paa_majbdd | /majBDD/{pbToutesVersions} | Path does not match |
158 | paa_genChangelogScript | /genChangelogScript/{pbSetVersionDesLogsSansVersion} | Path does not match |
159 | paa_generateMajLog | /majChangeLog | Path does not match |
160 | paa_testliste | /testliste | Path does not match |
161 | panelSemaines | /panelSemaines/{psTypeRes}/{piIdRes}/{piSemDebut}/{piSemFin}/{pbInclutDonneesDuCache}/{pbCorrigeFlagsNull}/{pbExclutSemainesAbsence} | Path does not match |
162 | panelRessources | /panelRessources/{psTypeRes}/{pdDebut}/{pdFin}/{pbInclutDonneesDuCache}/{pbCorrigeFlagsNull} | Path does not match |
163 | paa_pageAssistantHoraire | /assistants/pageAssistantHoraire_OngletGeneral | Path does not match |
164 | paa_pageAssistantRythme | /assistants/pageAssistantRythme | Path does not match |
165 | paa_assistantHoraire | /assistants/assistantHoraire | Path does not match |
166 | paa_assistantRythme | /assistants/assistantRythme | Path does not match |
167 | paa_rtvRythme_Ressource | /assistants/rtvRythme_Ressource/{psTypeRes}/{piIdRes}/{piSemDebut}/{piSemFin} | Path does not match |
168 | paa_pageAssistantAbsence | /assistants/pageAssistantAbsence/{psDebut}/{psFin} | Path does not match |
169 | paa_assistantAbsence | /assistants/assistantAbsence | Path does not match |
170 | paa_pageAssistantRemplacement | /assistants/pageAssistantRemplacement | Path does not match |
171 | paa_assistantRemplacement | /assistants/assistantRemplacement | Path does not match |
172 | paa_pageAssistantSuppression | /assistants/pageAssistantSuppression | Path does not match |
173 | paa_assistantSuppression | /assistants/assistantSuppression | Path does not match |
174 | paa_pageEchéancesUsagers | /assistants/pageEcheancesUsager/{piIdUsager} | Path does not match |
175 | paa_échéancesUsagers | /assistants/echeancesUsager/{piIdUsager} | Path does not match |
176 | paa_pageVisibiliteCaisses | /assistants/pageVisibiliteCaisses | Path does not match |
177 | paa_visibiliteCaisses | /assistants/visibiliteCaisses | Path does not match |
178 | test_GénèreErreur | /test_GénèreErreur | Path does not match |
179 | paa_annuleSuppressionSéance | /annuleSuppressionSéance | Path does not match |
180 | paa_annuleSeanceRessource | /annuleSeanceRessource | Path does not match |
181 | paa_checkSecondsToExpire | /checkSecondsToExpire | Path does not match |
182 | paa_planFormation | /paa_planFormation | Path does not match |
183 | paa_pageImportePF | /popup/pageImportePF/ | Path does not match |
184 | paa_pageExportePF | /popup/pageExportePF/ | Path does not match |
185 | paa_pageLierDelierPF | /popup/pageLierDelierPF/ | Path does not match |
186 | paa_presencesClasses | /presencesClasses | Path does not match |
187 | Essai | /essai/{number} | Path does not match |
188 | index | / | Path does not match |
189 | Swift | /swift | Path does not match |
Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.